Jump game

A small SFML platformer game.

Jumping game: What is there to know?

This is my first introduction to any kind of C++ programming, and damn it was fun.

It's jsut a simple jumping game made in the programming liberary SFML, which in general isn't a very good liberary to create games honeastly, but it did help me find my fire in programming. The game is simple. You jump on the platforms and don't fall down. The screen is moving upwards and will move faster and faster after some time. Along the way you'll be able to find some power ups and debuffs. The power ups are permanent and if you do not catch enough of them you'll soon find your self unable to keep up with the screen speed!

This boy gives you jumping power! Makes you jump higher

This gives you speed! Run faster then Usain Bolt!

Oops, you're drunk, mate. Left is now right and the other way around.

Extra points! This is an endless game so the only real goal is to get as much monay you can before you die, like in real life!

4K ray traced graphics

Tiny video!