The Goblin Project

This project stretches across several courses and include character creation from reference, high poly sculpting, retopologizing into animation frinedy mesh, rigging and animation.

High poly sculpting

The assignment for this sculpture was: "Create a creature that could be of the same family or race as given reference pictures." The reference picture given was of a simple naked goblin kind of creature. "The character should have a weapon and at least some kind of loincloth." I thought using Zbrush was extremely fun though so I added some stuff.

Animation friendly retopologizing

There are a couple of basic rules to follow when creating animation-friendly meshes. You reading this might already know this, but if you don't, here are some notes to follow: Generally, you want the "stripes" of quads, or edges if you may, to follow the shape muscles of your creature. Muscles are made the way they are for a reason after all. It makes the geometry shrink and expands in an as natural way as non-flesh and muscles can. Another note is that more triangles/quads aren't neccesarelly better in this case. One can and is encouraged (by me) to use the structure of a low polygon mesh to your advantage. This is not supposed to be some sort of tutorial though so if you do want to look at some more pictures that explain it you can visit this blog!

Custom Rigging

The link to the rig-control demo.


These animations were made using my own custom rig and later used in the Unreal game engine (for assignment purposes)